RFID Application articles

UHF RFID promotes the innovation and transformation of clothing retail operation mode

In recent years, in view of the new requirements for the further optimization of supply chain process management due to the rapid growth of sales scale, the development of Internet of Things technology represented by "RFID technology" has and will continue to promote the innovation and transformation of clothing retail operation mode.

In May 2021, a few months after NTK Confecées, a clothing company based in São Paulo, Brazil, successfully deployed RFID technology, the company decided to expand the deployment to all areas of its business. It is not difficult to see from this that the information system based on RFID Internet of Things technology is also becoming an important support and key technology for the clothing industry.

In May of this year, NTK began to affix RFID electronic tags on its complete sets of clothing. Its operations manager Wright said, "Assembling kits is to optimize cost, so each set of six has a tag. Not all areas of the company have already used RFID, and some areas are still adjusting processes to implement the technology. And RFID Will help make these processes more secure. Previously it took an hour to enter, count, go online, etc. for 1,000 garments. Now with RFID, it takes us less than 10 minutes to complete these operations, which greatly simplifies our business processes.”

Wright calculates that 50 percent of the company's workforce currently uses RFID. "We still don't use it for storage and distribution to warehouses, we produce 45,000 products a day. I believe that by the end of 2021 we will be able to use RFID in 80% of our business. The biggest challenge in implementing the technology is that the research has to be revised existing processes, and the convenience that comes with implementing the RFID system is one of the benefits of this transition.”

For a long time, the development of RFID technology has a very close relationship with the "clothing Retail Industry", and the two complement each other. On the one hand, the rapid development of the "clothing retail industry" requires more effective Internet of Things technology support; on the other hand, it is precisely this industry demand that enables RFID technology to have a larger practice platform and application space. Therefore, the relationship between the two cannot be said to be close, and it cannot be said that "each has its own needs, but they complement each other and develop together."

The application process of RFID technology in the clothing retail industry is mainly as follows: First, through the "RFID tag" in the production process of clothing, some important attributes of a single piece of clothing such as: name, grade, item number, model, fabric, etc. Write the information such as lining, washing method, execution standard, commodity number, inspector number and other information into the corresponding RFID electronic tag, and attach the RFID tag to the garment (Note: the attachment method of the electronic tag can be: implanted in the garment, It can be made into a nameplate or hanging tag, or a recyclable anti-theft hard label, etc.). Due to the "uniqueness" of RFID electronic tags, counterfeiting can be effectively avoided, and the anti-counterfeiting problem of brand clothing is well solved. According to the production specifications, the manufacturer packs each XX product in a carton. When the carton passes through the UHF channel door, the RFID Reader reads the RFID tag information and enters it into the system. This greatly saves time and labor costs, improves the efficiency of clothing classification, warehousing, and distribution, and has a very positive effect on the growth of production efficiency.

Statistics show that by the end of 2016, the demand for RFID tags in the clothing-based global chain retail industry exceeded 5 billion pieces. For example, Decathlon, ZARA, and Uniqlo abroad, and domestic Heilan House, La Chapelle, UR, and Fuanna have all implemented RFID projects in an all-round way.

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