RFID Application articles

UAV with RFID technology

With the expansion of the inventory scale, the corresponding inventory count workload is also increasing. In the past two years, some technology companies have combined drones with RFID technology to improve the intelligence of drones. UAVs carry RFID Readers, based on automatic planning of flight routes or manual piloting methods, throughout the RFID tags of all shelf goods in the warehouse and collect information, and real-time linkage with the warehouse management system to achieve rapid inventory in the warehouse.

Initially, it was expected that low-cost, passive radio frequency identification (RFID) tags would revolutionize supply chain management. Real-time inventory of RFID-tagged items through RFID readers would enable warehouse managers to manage inventory more effectively.

RFID drones can replace part of manpower to complete warehouse inventory work. For example, when the goods are placed on high shelves, it will be more convenient to use drones to check the goods, or in some high-temperature or dangerous spaces, it will be safer to use drones to complete the work. Install a UHF RFID reader on the drone, and then let the drone accurately read the RFID tag from tens of meters away.

Since the RFID drone is bundled with an RFID reader, the hardware size and weight of the drone have increased, which also increases the risk of the drone crashing. Moreover, most of the drones that can be used in large warehouses and have autonomous navigation capabilities are small drones, which cannot carry relatively large RFID Card readers. Therefore, relevant research institutions have proposed a solution: read the information of RFID electronic tags through RFID drones, but do not need to add additional RFID readers - equip the drone with a tiny repeater, It is used to amplify the signal and accept the signal sent from the remote RFID reader, and then read the information of the nearby RFID electronic tag.

The application of unmanned aerial vehicles combined with UHF RFID readers in warehouses can greatly reduce the work intensity of warehouse managers, timely discover problems in the storage process of items and give feedback to relevant personnel for processing, and improve the efficiency of warehouse management. Effectiveness and efficiency. It is expected that the UAV storage inventory application combined with RFID technology will become one of the powerful means for warehouse management to improve competitiveness.

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