RFID Antenna Articles

Summary of use areas of RFID technology

Compared with traditional bar codes, magnetic cards and IC cards, the outstanding advantages of radio frequency cards or electronic tags are non-contact, no wear, long life, fast reading and writing speed, strong anti-interference ability, easy to stick and use, and anti-collision. Therefore, Radio frequency identification technology develops rapidly and is widely used. Nowadays, RFID technology is still in the development stage. With the research of high and new technologies, it will definitely bring greater changes to society. There is no doubt that RFID technology has a very broad prospect and huge market potential.

The needs of application scenarios promote the development and transformation of radio frequency identification technology, and its application results will drive wider demands and change people's lives and work, which in turn can further promote the progress of radio frequency identification technology and realize the application of new theoretical technologies. Breakthrough, that is to say, the two form a beneficial cycle, and both will develop in a cyclical manner.

1 At present, the technologies that have made great progress in the development of radio frequency identification technology include IC chip technology, antenna technology, wireless electromagnetic technology, information technology, etc. The continuous development of these technologies will increase the variety of products to meet various application needs. , improve social life and bring convenience. In the near future, radio frequency identification technology will be used in readers, electronic tags

(Radio frequency tag) RFID system performance and system solutions have made new rapid progress. Readers and writers will tend to be multi-functional, such as integrating barcode recognition systems, working offline for data line transmission, supporting data interfaces such as serial USB and large network ports, and being compatible with multiple formats and multi-band protocols. for the development of readers and writers. While improving performance, the structure will gradually achieve miniaturization and modularization, and the improvement of performance structure will greatly expand the application range of readers and writers.

The low-power technology of electronic tag chips will become more mature, its reading and writing distance will be longer, and the recognition performance of high-speed moving items will be more perfect. At the same time, the recognition speed will be faster, the anti-interference ability will be stronger, and the manufacturing cost will be lower. . Passive tags and other high technologies

Products with technological content will make greater research progress, and eventually gradually move toward application and serve the public. The RFID low-frequency system will be more intelligent and safer, the stability and anti-interference capabilities of the high-frequency system will be more perfect, the ultra-high frequency system will be in-depth research and development, and its corresponding application solutions and products will be more extensive. The overall system cost will be lower. The application scenarios of system solutions will be more specific and in-depth, the application scale will be expanded, and the overall rationality and coordination of the solution will be further improved.

(3)Technical challenges.

Although RFID technology has made great progress and has great prospects, to this day, RFID systems still face some major technical challenges, as follows.

system cost issue.

As far as the cost of RFID electronic tags is concerned, the design and development cost of IC chips and the development cost of electronic tag antennas are quite high. Now they can only be applied to high-priced goods such as luxury goods, and cannot meet the cost needs of general goods in supermarkets. The reading and writing equipment and corresponding software systems used in conjunction with the tags are even more expensive. The cost of the product is very important, and this factor will directly affect the speed of RFID application and promotion.

Signal attenuation problem.

Electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves will attenuate in different media. Ultra-high frequency RFID technology is based on electromagnetic field theory and will encounter similar problems. In some special application scenarios, the problems caused by signal attenuation are very serious. The most typical ones are on metal surfaces or in solutions. The performance of electronic tags will be seriously changed, and the overall performance of the RFID system will directly deteriorate. However, for today's large-scale Metals and solutions are very common in transportation equipment and applications. Therefore, the research tasks in this area are very severe and directly affect the large-scale development of RFID systems.

National frequency band allocation issues.

Countries have different divisions and management of electromagnetic wave frequency bands. Especially in ultra-high frequency and microwave frequency bands, the divided frequency bands are not uniform. This means that compatibility will face severe challenges. Products developed in one country may It cannot be used in other countries, and communication between products of different standards may not be possible, which is undoubtedly a major obstacle to the global promotion of RFID technology. Today's solutions require products to achieve high compatibility, and countries need to develop unified standards, both of which will face difficulties.

International standard setting issues.

EPCglobal and SO are the main standards-setting organizations in the RFID field at this stage. Among them, EPCglobal has formulated the EPC (Electronic Product Code) standard for ultra-high frequency bands. ISO has formulated the SO1443A/BISO15693 and ISO18000 standards. The former two are applied to 13.56MHz, and the latter is applied to 860MHz~930MH2. In the ultra-high frequency band that is currently mainly used, the standards of the two organizations are not unified and still need to be coordinated. At the same time, the issue of national frequency band allocation is also a very important issue in the standard-setting process. It has a wide range of implications, involving collision issues of different frequency bands in different countries, and is directly related to the entire field of communication information. Therefore, the task of formulating international unified standards is extremely severe.

Privacy issues.

One of the largest application areas of RFID technology is the Internet of Things, which involves commodity transportation and distribution. In the process of commodity circulation, privacy issues are very important. In order to prevent commodity information or consumer information from being obtained by criminals, RFID technology needs to provide reliable protection. Privacy issues are directly related to whether RFID systems can be widely used in society. In addition to studying more sophisticated confidentiality mechanisms, solving this problem also requires relevant competent authorities to formulate laws and regulations.

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