
RFID technology helps hospital fixed asset information management

In recent years, RFID technology has developed very rapidly. There are a wide variety of RFID-related software and hardware products, which are widely used in transportation management, retail management, industrial automation, warehouse management, vehicle management, Asset MANAGEMENT, document tracking and Library management. Many integrated circuit manufacturers are committed to developing smaller and cheaper RFID chips. Integrated circuit manufacturers have also been able to develop their own and approach the international advanced level. The future development trend of RFID electronic tags will definitely be that the application types of electronic tags will be more abundant and the cost will continue to decrease. Fully combining the existing network of the Hospital through RFID technology, the purpose of developing the RFID intelligent asset management system is to meet the needs of hospital development, strengthen the management of hospital fixed assets, and promote the construction of hospital information. The use of RFID intelligent asset management system can realize the automatic identification of fixed assets, strengthen the digital management of fixed assets, and improve the management efficiency of hospitals.

Current situation of hospital fixed assets management

At present, due to the imperfect management system and mechanism of hospital fixed assets management, and the lack of means of network information technology, information has not been shared among the fixed assets management department, financial department, functional department, and maintenance department within the hospital, and the cost of obtaining information is relatively high. , leading to backward management methods, heavy work, high error rate, difficult account reconciliation, and low asset utilization, etc., which directly affect the level of fixed asset management and restrict the overall information construction process of the hospital.

In the field of fixed asset management, domestic hospitals with relatively advanced informatization have paid attention to the application of RFID technology. Unlike traditional label technology, RFID technology can be used as a bridge between fixed assets and information systems, and can effectively integrate fixed assets and information systems. Integrating together, so as to achieve the effect of real-time synchronization and consistency of physical information and system information.

In the medical field, RFID technology has been used in the tracking management of surgical instruments and disinfection supplies, as well as the process management of medical equipment storage, application, depreciation, inventory, maintenance, and scrapping. RFID technology solves the problems that hospital medical equipment cannot be obtained in real time, medical equipment is scattered in different departments, it is difficult to check, and it is difficult to manage mobile equipment.

Generally speaking, there are not many cases of using RFID technology for hospital-level asset inventory management. Therefore, in the face of the huge workload of asset inventory in the medical industry, it is urgent to explore and research new management methods, equipped with intelligent equipment, and use information technology to solve the current problems of difficult inventory, high pressure, and chaotic management due to large assets.

Hospital Fixed Assets Management Supported by RFID Technology

1. Establish a hospital fixed assets management platform

The integration with the existing fixed asset management information system should be fully considered when planning the hospital fixed asset management platform, so as to ensure data consistency in the later system construction. On the basis of the original fixed asset management system, combined with mobile, barcode and RFID technologies, developed and integrated RFID mobile fixed asset inventory system.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive label upgrade for all fixed assets of the hospital, and upgrade the original label to a printable electronic label with an RFID chip. Printers, RFID Card issuers, barcode guns, high-speed cameras, etc.) to realize intelligent mobile cart inventory. During asset inventory, the mobile cart can be taken to the site for inventory, information improvement, labeling, and RFID pairing. The mobile cart can improve the efficiency of label upgrading and inventory, and prevent asset identification problems caused by asset movement.

Since the construction of fixed assets involves a wide range of areas, it is necessary to follow the principle of unified planning and step-by-step implementation. According to the needs of management at different levels, taking into account the overall planning of the hospital, capital investment, etc., a step-by-step implementation plan is adopted. Firstly, focus on departments that are difficult to check, such as operating rooms, intensive care units and other important departments, and then focus on departments with large assets, such as laboratory departments and pathology departments.

2. Strengthen the safety and effective monitoring of fixed assets

Use RFID tags to enter information by floor or room, so that when the RFID portable reader is taking inventory, it can automatically identify the current regional location information, and record and analyze asset location changes.

Since endoscope assets need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly, special assets such as endoscopes and surgical instruments need to be fixed with washable and anti-corrosion special fixed labels to ensure the effectiveness of the labels during a large number of cleaning and disinfection processes.

Establish a standard data import format that can be connected to the financial reporting system. After the system enters and exits the warehouse, it can automatically generate a standard format and import and report; establish a connection with financial vouchers, and the asset system generates voucher information such as storage, storage, transfer, depreciation, etc. It can be automatically pushed to the financial system to avoid manual repetitive entry work, improve multi-department synergy and reduce errors.

In the state where the RFID asset tags are basically perfect, the fixed assets within the management scope have a unique identifier. The asset inventory system senses the existence of the RFID tag through the RFID Reader device to reflect the existence of the fixed assets. During the inventory process, it is constantly Improve asset information and update asset changes.

3. Set management authority and scientifically divide asset management responsibilities

Due to the particularity of hospital management, the RFID system can fully consider the different responsibilities of operators in each department, formulate corresponding operation authority for each operator, and ensure that personnel in different departments can only be within the scope of their responsibilities through user identity and password identification. Perform limited operations. Thereby ensuring the reliability, rigor and information security of management, and having a certain degree of flexibility to strengthen the adaptability in various practical management processes.

4. Provide convenience for asset maintenance and improve equipment utilization

Through the pre-set maintenance time for each type of medical equipment in the RFID system, the information of the maintenance equipment will be automatically prompted every month. The information can be retrieved according to the department or type of equipment used, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to carry out targeted maintenance. Permanent equipment inspection and maintenance. At the same time, the records of each inspection and maintenance will be automatically recorded on the UHF handheld and uploaded to the system for analysis, recording and evaluation of the usage and operation of the equipment.

5. Reduce the workload of asset liquidation and inventory, and grasp the asset situation in a timely manner

When the new fixed assets are checked and accepted, the mobile identification car can be pushed to the acceptance site for work, and the contract information can be retrieved, and the acceptance equipment can be photographed, scanned, printed and made RFID electronic tags, scanned the relevant acceptance sheets and certificates of the manufacturer, and can be on the spot Print the standard acceptance report.

Fixed assets are identified by two-dimensional barcodes and passive ultra-high frequency (UHF) electronic tags to realize the full tracking of the life cycle and use status of fixed assets and the synchronous operation of logistics, capital flow and information flow coordinated by multiple departments to achieve information shared. The realization of the RFID hospital fixed asset management system provides comprehensive, reliable and efficient dynamic data and decision-making basis for the hospital asset management work; realizes the informatization, standardization and standardized management of the asset management work; will comprehensively improve the efficiency and Management level; lay a good foundation for the construction of hospital intelligent management system.

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