RFID Application articles

RFID technology helps Qingdao Blood Station Automated Blood Bank successfully iterate and speed up blood network coverage

Recently, the automated blood bank of the Blood Donation Service Center in Qingdao Central Blood Station Development Zone was successfully iterated and put into use. On the day of delivery, the leaders of the Qingdao Central Blood Station visited the site to experience it, and highly recognized the automated and intelligent blood management model under the Qingdao City Blood Network.

The Necessity of Automated Management of Blood Stations

The blood station is the "central brain" of a city's blood management, which plays the role of deploying and coordinating the use of blood in the whole area. The automated blood bank is a platform for centralized management of massive blood resources, providing link channels for data sharing in urban blood networks. The successful iteration of the automated blood bank of the Blood Donation Service Center in Qingdao Central Blood Station Development Zone has laid a solid foundation for the equipment of the urban blood network and promoted the arrival of the data sharing era of the Qingdao urban blood network. This is another milestone step taken by City Blood Network following the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University.

Specifically, blood intelligent management can be traced back. By changing the relatively closed and one-way blood management model in the past, the interaction and sharing of blood information in the ecology can be realized. In the urban blood network, each bag of blood has its own "ID Card" from the beginning of collection, including blood type, temperature, location and other information, which can be automatically read and uploaded to the cloud in real time to promote blood collection from blood collection to blood consumption. Whole-process blood information monitoring and traceability.

The automated blood bank of the blood station not only ensures the safety of blood use in the whole city, but also solves the problem of blood management in the blood station. This is because the plasma entry, exit, and inventory management of traditional blood banks are basically recorded manually by personnel. This method of recording information is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone. At the same time, it is not easy to trace and find blood products such as plasma after access.

Full traceability of blood information

The automated blood bank can realize the interconnection of blood information by docking with the management software of the blood station. By binding traditional tags and RFID electronic tags in one, UHF readers are used to automatically locate and inventory each bag of blood products, and monitor in real time, so that the whole process can be traced, which not only ensures blood safety, but also Improve work efficiency.

automated access

When the hospital puts forward the demand for blood to the blood station, the staff of the blood station can operate and manage it on the computer, and the required blood can be extracted accurately and automatically through the manipulator, without the need for personnel to enter the warehouse for operation, which not only avoids the harm of low temperature to the human body, but also reduces the risk of blood loss. The temperature fluctuations in the small storage ensure the safety of blood and operators; moreover, the entire platform will follow the first-in-first-out principle, which greatly improves the efficiency of blood access.

It is understood that the Qingdao Central Blood Station has successfully iterated through the automated blood bank this time, making it possible for blood information to be connected to the cloud and shared in real time, realizing the seamless interaction between information and information in the past, and between information and objects. In this process, the blood bank can not only realize the real-time cold chain and location management of the whole blood process, but also realize the Docking with the blood bank information system will accelerate the arrival of the era of urban blood network data sharing.

The automated blood bank can allocate blood in real time, realizing "zero-contact" blood collection at the blood station, avoiding the risk of cross-infection of blood to a large extent, and ensuring the safety of medical workers. This will promote the second upgrade of urban blood safety management, accelerate the construction of urban blood networks, lead new changes in blood use models, and ensure the safety of urban blood use. Today, the automated blood bank has successively landed in Sichuan South Congestion Station, Inner Mongolia Chifeng Blood Station, Wuxi Blood Station and other users, creating the best user experience for blood management from centralized blood supply to distributed blood use.

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