RFID Application articles

Intelligent tool management based on RFID technology

The realization of intelligent and scientific management of Tools and tools through RFID radio frequency identification technology is of great significance to improving the efficiency of enterprise operations, reducing Asset loss, and improving information management. The current status of tool management:

1. Difficulty finding tools

Due to the variety, large quantity, and different specifications of maintenance tools and appliances, the tools and appliances are messy and unclassified. When the staff wants to use a certain tool, it is very troublesome to find it. And when the tool is lost, there is no effective way to find it. It can only spend a lot of manpower and time to find it slowly, which increases the difficulty of work.

2. Tool management is lagging

The tool maintenance management system mainly based on manual operation requires a large number of personnel to operate, and the management process is lengthy and lagging. When a tool is lost or damaged, it may not be discovered until the next time you want to use the tool for several days.

3. Tool management efficiency is not high

In the borrowing link, due to the complicated borrowing procedures, when recording the borrowing situation and sending and receiving tools, there is often a phenomenon of waiting in line, which wastes the time of maintenance personnel. In the return process, it often happens that the number of returned items is inconsistent with the recorded number of lent items.

4. The tool status cannot be supervised in real time, and the tool management responsibility system is not perfect

Due to the long maintenance cycle of the aircraft and the large number of maintenance personnel, the management personnel cannot inquire the current status of the tools in real time, and cannot know whether there is any tool loss or wear and tear in the first place. Tool management cannot assign responsibility to people. When tools are lost, it is easy for operators to shirk responsibility from each other. The imperfect tool management responsibility system directly leads to problems such as low tool utilization rate, asset loss and tool loss, which cause safety hazards.

5. Barcodes or QR codes cannot meet the existing tool control

The barcode or QR code is easily damaged, easily polluted, and easy to drop. When borrowing and returning tools, the barcode or QR code can only be scanned individually, which delays time and reduces the work efficiency of the staff.

The RFID-based intelligent maintenance tool management system is relatively complex and highly professional, and there are many relevant professional content and technical elements that need to be considered and taken into account during the design and application process. The main components include: smart tool warehouse, smart tool box, and smart tools. As long as there is RFID identification on the tool, it can be used and identified anytime and anywhere.

RFID Smart Toolbox

The advantage of the smart toolbox lies in the UHF reading head module for real-time monitoring. The objects are smart tools that are far away from the toolbox and carry RFID tags after being placed, approached, and entered. Using RFID technology, the storage cabinet automatically manages the tools with RFID tags Stored in the drawers of the cabinet through software.

RFID Smart Tool Cart

The RFID smart tool cart adopts RFID technology to achieve precise control of tool positioning to the floor, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of tool management, effectively preventing and reducing the loss and theft of tools, simplifying the registration process of tools entering and leaving the warehouse, To avoid inventory shortage or management negligence, etc., smart devices that can meet the storage needs of various tools of the enterprise have realized the information management and refined control of the tools by the enterprise.

RFID smart tool cabinet

Using RFID technology, put the tools with RFID electronic tags into the specially customized smart tool cabinets equipped with RFID Readers. Whenever the tools are taken out of the cabinet, the system will record this operation in real time. It will immediately judge the details such as: who is the main responsible position, what tools were taken out at what time, and when to return them. The system can also set the operation authority, and can automatically issue a warning when a tool is not returned within a certain period of time.

Operating procedures:

The fully enclosed cabinet provides a keyless entry method, and the storage tools are very convenient → After the employee swipes the employee card touch screen to log in, the cabinet system is opened, and the employee is authorized to access the tool → click on the required tool on the touch screen, and the corresponding The electromagnetic lock of the tool storage drawer will be automatically opened, and the software will automatically record each access operation in real time, and automatically update the database → once the access operation is completed, when the drawer is closed, the touch screen will immediately display the update status of the item.

Composed of UHF RFID readers and multiple antenna units, the software automatically manages the electronic tags in the car and the box, and accurately identifies the tools in the cabinet. If the identification limit is exceeded, an identification alarm signal will be issued immediately. Effectively preventing and reducing the loss and theft of tools, simplifying the registration process of tools entering and leaving the warehouse, and avoiding inventory loss or management negligence can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of tool management.

RFID Smart Tool Library

The RFID fixed reader is used to realize the batch automatic entry and exit management of tools. The UHF reader is fixed on the tool entry and exit channel. When the tools with RFID tags pass through the corresponding area, the reader reads the corresponding The electronic label information of the tool, and upload the data to the background database, and then compare and record the inventory information of the database, so as to realize the management of the tool equipment.

Main application scenarios:

1. The construction industry needs to use a large number of heavy machinery vehicles and equipment. How to shorten the maintenance cycle of vehicles is a concern of construction industry managers. In addition, shortening the vehicle adjustment cycle can also promote vehicle sales. Whether it's a $10 wrench or a $20,000 fluid purity detector, tools of any kind must be readily available when production needs them.

2. The working procedures on the oil platform are complicated, and the tools needed are also very complicated. In order to ensure efficient productivity, it is very important to ensure that tools are always at hand when needed. Once a tool is lost, work has to be stopped immediately, and the repurchase of this tool must also be started immediately. According to the statistics of the authoritative financial department, the losses caused by the shutdown are US$50,000 per day for offshore platforms and US$500,000 per day for deep-sea platforms, not including the reduction in productivity. Even if the lost tool is later found, there is a cost for tool rotation. Therefore, the management of the drilling platform is in urgent need of a real-time tracking solution for tool assets, which can avoid expensive tool loss and high tool replacement costs.

3. Airlines also use UHF RFID technology to improve production efficiency. Items from production tools, logistics containers to transported goods are all loaded with RFID tags, so that all tool information is scanned into the database and recorded. Real-time update, asset use, maintenance, handover and other information are recorded. These high-strength RFID anti-metal tags have stable read and write performance on metal assets and are resistant to polluted and corrosive production environments. The airline's RFID project helps it efficiently manage various production equipment and tools, saving millions of euros in costs every year.

4. Management of railway line maintenance tools and equipment. There are many types of railway line maintenance tools and equipment, with large differences in specifications and scattered use occasions. It has always been a difficult point in management. After installing RFID electronic tags on each tool and equipment, RFID can be installed at the door of the warehouse The UHF reader/writer can identify incoming and outgoing tools and carry out authorization management. UHF readers can also be installed on construction vehicles to monitor the tools and tools on the vehicle in real time, so as to ensure how much is brought back, and how much is brought back during construction. Real-time reminder when the appliance is dropped.

5. Management of high-speed rail and other large-scale equipment production tools. When high-speed rail, ships, and large-scale equipment are produced, a staff member has to bring many tools to each section for construction, which brings great difficulties to the management of tools. After the RFID reader and the computer tool management car are installed, the tool management becomes simple. The UHF reader is installed in the tool car to monitor the tools on the car in real time, and the display on the car can be real-time The type and quantity of tools are displayed, and the staff can open the drawer of the tool cart to pick and place the tools as long as they swipe the card, preventing the tools from falling down and saving the staff's time for tool management.

6. The management of tools and equipment in prison workplaces. As a special occasion, prison labor workplaces must be strictly managed for dangerous materials such as tools and equipment. Losing one piece will bring a very large safety hazard. This is what needs to be done at key nodes UHF RFID readers are installed in and workplaces to monitor the location and usage of tools in real time.

What are the advantages of RFID intelligent tool management:

1. A variety of hardware solutions: RFID smart tool cart, RFID smart tool cabinet, RFID smart tool box, RFID smart tool library, etc., using various operating environments.

2. You can further search for lost tools through the UHF RFID handheld terminal CL7202.

3. Fully automatic tool entry and exit record management, eliminating the tedious and possible mistakes in manual scanning and entry work. quick! allow! accurate! And the system can generate various reports.

4. Tool parameter data records, and calibration cycle reminders for specific tools.

5. With one keyboard point function, the daily inspection and monthly inspection can be realized within 3 seconds.

6. If the tool is not returned in time, the tool will be warned, and the responsibility of the relevant personnel will be quickly locked.

7. With its own rechargeable battery, it can be portable and mobile as a line tool cabinet.

8. The intelligent management and control of aviation maintenance tools has been realized, and the tools can be controlled and traced. 

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