RFID Application articles

Application of UHF RFID Handheld Terminal in Traffic Law Enforcement

One of the most complicated and important aspects of traffic management is the management of drivers. However, in recent years, with the rapid expansion of the number of drivers, the complexity of road traffic conditions, and the update and development of vehicle performance and types, traditional management methods have It cannot meet the needs of management work, which requires the traffic management department to use more modern management methods.

In the past, the punishment for traffic violators was done by the traffic police manually issuing a ticket, and the violator then took the ticket to the designated collection place to pay the fine. This approach has several disadvantages:

1. When checking the driver and vehicle information, it is easy to make mistakes by using manual identification and judgment, and it is difficult to effectively distinguish the authenticity of relevant documents;

2. Unable to effectively check and verify suspects and suspect vehicles, and unable to detect hidden illegal activities in time;

3. Manual inspection or patrol takes a long time, the workload is heavy, and the processing efficiency of illegal vehicles is low;

4. It is impossible to assess the correctness of traffic police enforcement;

5. The synchronization of inspection and law enforcement information with the headquarters is slow, and irregular data lags and omissions occur from time to time, and the process of optimizing resources such as manpower and material resources lacks data support.

UHF RFID-based hand-held traffic violation penalty terminal system introduces RFID technology into existing traffic management. When traffic police find suspicious vehicles, they use gestures to stop the vehicle, and the traffic police use hand-held readers to check the vehicle. , It saves the cumbersome process of manually issuing traffic tickets by the traffic police, and ensures the speed, accuracy and efficiency, thus bringing convenience.

What functions can UHF RFID handheld terminals realize in traffic law enforcement?

1. Information verification

The traffic police use the RFID mobile terminal to scan the information on the driver's license to obtain the driver's personal information, and quickly verify the driver's identity information by comparing it with the driver's fingerprint; through the identification of the RFID electronic tag, the vehicle data can be quickly obtained and other relevant information recorded by the system to conduct accurate identity verification on drivers and vehicles.

2. Fixed-point patrol

When the traffic police are on patrol, they only need to carry an ultra-high frequency handheld terminal to realize mobile law enforcement office, real-time and efficient statistics of various patrol information, accurate records of patrol law enforcement results, real-time input and upload of patrol information to the management system, so as to obtain more standardized and scientific management effect.

3. Penalties for violations

Through the application of RFID handheld terminals, the traffic police can investigate and deal with illegal vehicles anytime and anywhere, and print fines on the spot for punishment. The system automatically uploads violation records to the illegal system.

When dealing with violation accidents, as long as the RFID electronic tag on the vehicle is within the effective range of the UHF reader, the driver's natural condition and violation records and other information are input to the terminal, and can be monitored from the monitoring station through GPRS communication. The center calls out and checks its violation records. If the traffic police judges that the driver has violated the rules, he will select the type of violation code on the hand-held reader, and send the relevant information to the monitoring center through GPRS communication, and the monitoring center will notify the violating driver of his violation by SMS. When paying the fine, the driver goes to the designated place, and the staff will fine the driver according to the information recorded in the database. The law enforcement records are effectively preserved. When an accident occurs, it can provide an effective basis for relevant legal investigations, greatly strengthening the supervision of the driver. Strength can reduce the number of violations.

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