RFID Application articles

Application of RFID technology in the field of military material management

In the future, the informatization battle will be unprecedentedly fierce, the consumption of military materials will increase sharply, and the military's material management and support tasks will become more arduous. The informationized battlefield environment requires timely, appropriate, and appropriate supply of material support for combat troops, mastery of the entire process of material support, and improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of battlefield material support. The addition of RFID technology can well solve the problem of real-time collection and transmission of material information, greatly speed up the processing speed of various businesses, realize the full visibility of material support from the supply point to the demand point, and improve the ability of the army's material support.

After more than ten years of development, RFID technology has been widely used in all walks of life, and has gradually become an indispensable technical Tool and means to improve the management level of the army's material supply chain, reduce the cost of support, and increase the combat effectiveness of the army. RFID technology performs non-contact two-way communication and exchange data through radio frequency to achieve the purpose of automatic identification. It has the advantages of long service life, long reading distance, waterproof, high temperature resistance, and simultaneous identification of multiple tags. It is especially suitable for military material management. .

There are three main categories of troop material management:

1. Training materials

Materials for military training or daily training, such as: training guns, knives, clothing, electronic equipment, etc., are mainly used to manage the entry and exit of materials.

2. Combat materials

It mainly includes combat readiness vehicles, guns and ammunition and other combat readiness materials. The management link mainly includes functions such as usage management, daily maintenance management, maintenance record management, and life cycle management.

3. Office supplies

It mainly includes computers, printers, desks and chairs, routers, servers, etc., information about providers of office supplies, warranty information, daily maintenance information, maintenance records, and other information.

In the management of combat readiness materials or training materials, it is mainly through the installation of RFID access doors or RFID Readers in warehouses to identify and collect entry and exit channels. First of all, it is necessary to apply for permission to the administrator of combat readiness materials in advance. All combat readiness materials are equipped with RFID electronic tags with unique ID numbers, and the combat readiness material information corresponding to the RFID tags is recorded in the system.

At the same time, each person who enters the warehouse to pick up strategic materials is equipped with an RFID Card with his identity information. After picking up the materials and passing through the RFID channel door, the information of the person and the materials he picked up will be obtained, and the system will send The material and personnel information are associated records, and the system will prompt that the loan is successful. When returning the material, when passing through the RFID channel door, the system will also record the relevant information of the personnel and material return to ensure that the material can be Stored in time. The material management personnel pass through the RFID. The hand-held terminal checks the inventory of materials and records the inspection information into the system, which facilitates the daily maintenance and management of materials.

For the management of office materials, RFID electronic tags are pasted on all office materials, and all the information of the office materials is recorded in the tags. The management personnel obtain the information of the office materials in the specified inventory project tasks through RFID handheld terminal devices. The collected information will be summarized in the system, and the system will manage the information of the material.

RFID technology has a particularly good application prospect in material tracking. By affixing RFID electronic tags to military materials, RFID readers are installed along the way, and connected to the military material information platform. But when a certain material passes, the fixed RFID reader reads the tag information and uploads it to the database in real time to realize information sharing, so that the administrator can obtain the correct guarantee information in real time and realize the rapid, accurate and complete information transmission. The application of RFID technology perfectly solves the visibility of in-transit support materials, realizes the dynamic optimal allocation of battlefield materials, and improves the support efficiency of military materials.

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