RFID Application articles

Application of RFID Technology in Musical Instruments

With the continuous development of the symphony orchestra, the equipment of various musical instruments is becoming more and more abundant. However, the traditional management method often relies on manual registration on paper documents, which is not only error-prone, but also inefficient in management. . Management through RFID technology can effectively solve the shortcomings of traditional management methods.

In view of the wide variety of musical instruments, different sizes, and different material properties, in the selection of RFID electronic tags, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of electronic tag for different musical instruments. For musical instruments in large packages, use RFID electronic tags to be pasted on the outer packaging boxes, and at the same time register one or more musical instruments in the packaging boxes; for metal packaging boxes in small packaging boxes, in order to avoid shielding effects, use hang tags electronic tags; non-metallic packaging boxes can use tag-type electronic tags or sticky-type electronic tags.

Regarding the classification and information of musical instruments, the information that musical instruments need to collect mainly includes: equipment name, quantity, specification model, material, maintenance information, etc. According to the existing musical instrument Library of the symphony orchestra, it is determined to equip the door of the musical instrument room with RFID UHF channel Access Control to realize the management of the entry and exit of musical instruments, and to judge the rationality of equipment entry and exit; configure RFID Readers in the musical instrument library, combined with RFID Antennas to achieve The signal of the shelf area of the musical instrument library is fully covered, and real-time inventory is realized; the management personnel can carry out operations such as inventory, search, and delivery of musical instruments by holding RFID handheld terminals.

RFID musical instrument rental management

The application of RFID technology in musical instrument rental management can not only enable businesses to manage musical instruments more efficiently and conveniently, but also effectively control the entry and exit of musical instruments, real-time control of musical instrument rental access, repair, and maintenance information, and solve the current problems of musical instrument management information transmission errors .

RFID musical instrument rental management is firstly to attach an RFID electronic tag to the musical instrument, and write the information corresponding to the electronic tag into the system with an RFID Card issuer. After the information is written, the musical instrument information will be bound to the unique RFID tag, so that through RFID You can view instrument information by holding the terminal.

RFID musical instrument rental management can realize rapid inventory in batches; information management can be realized through the system's multi-dimensional reports; through the management of musical instruments, it can realize the management of the whole process of musical instrument rental, such as adding, modifying, deleting, querying and scrapping; One code for objects, alarm for illegal entry and exit; provide a variety of data reports to analyze the usage and circulation of musical instruments from multiple angles; data encryption backup can be performed to prevent data loss caused by failure.

Through RFID musical instrument rental management, it can help managers to clearly grasp the details of musical instrument rental; help managers deal with inconsistencies in accounts, and get timely feedback when problems arise; reduce management costs, improve work efficiency, reduce useless work, and improve the enthusiasm of managers.

RFID musical instrument production line management

Through RFID technology, information technology means such as electronic labeling of products, identification of materials, and automatic recording of process operations are given to implement functions such as error prevention, monitoring, real-time analysis and tracking, and realize error prevention and lean production of product production.

Firstly, initialize the RFID electronic tags, write the models of various pianos into the electronic tags through the RFID handheld in the combined piano workshop, and bind and paste the models on the inner wall of the piano box to form a unique correspondence between the tag code and the model. The sealed qin is scanned and Stored in the warehouse, and the printer is used to print the storage form and record the batch of semi-finished products. For the combined piano that needs to be reprocessed, complete the storage and storage records between the workshops and the storage after the process is completed. For the pianos that need to be reassembled, each piano storehouse is transferred to the assembly storehouse for the next process. The process that needs to be reworked is transferred from the assembly warehouse to the piano case warehouse or high piano warehouse for processing and scanning records, and the mutual transfer between warehouses is completed. The sale of finished pianos finally realizes the sales of the finished product warehouse and the records of customers and container numbers.

The traceability management of RFID musical instrument production line management in the entire production process uses RFID electronic tags to manage, improve the efficiency of warehousing and outbound, reduce the overall error probability, greatly improve production efficiency and product quality, and enable customers to view each warehouse, workshop, The real-time inventory of the process can trace the production link of a certain piano and automatically generate statistical tables, reducing the statistical workload of managers and greatly improving customer satisfaction.

The management platform integrated with RFID technology solidifies the daily management process into the operation process of the software platform, realizing the standardization and standardization of management.

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