18-channel automated RFID identification module Vending machine embedded electronic tag reading module

Data output format: hexadecimal UID number
Communication protocol: RS232 communication or CAN port
Structural distribution: integrated board and line
Working voltage: 12V
Supported card types: S50, M1, FM11RF08 and other labels
Support protocol: ISO14443A protocol

One to eighteen multi-antenna integrated automatic identification RFID Card reading | positioning module is a twenty integrated board and line separated RFID identification and positioning equipment | card reading module, developed based on 13.56 MHz non-contact technology, using RS232 serial port communication mode. The high-frequency RFID card reading module can be customized with CAN port communication, card reading chip integration, and runs in board-line integrated mode. It is widely used in various fields such as automated identification, multi-label positioning, automated vending machines, automated sorting, anti-counterfeiting identification and other systems. .

One-to-eight multi-antenna integrated automatic identification RFID card reading | positioning module can focus on different categories of products, and the system can accurately control the corresponding tags

  By binding an RFID electronic tag to each sample and corresponding RFID identification equipment to identify the storage status of the sample, it can be quickly located and identified, making inspection and picking easy. When the RFID identification device detects the status change of the sample tag, it will actively report it through RS232. According to the actual situation of the project, it can also actively report the usual changes, or it can also uniformly query the status of each sample through the PC.


1. The card reading module and the antenna are matched one by one.

      2. The induction equipment adopts board and line separation, 1 main control + multiple card reading modules + multiple RFID induction antennas (the distance between the induction antenna and the main control card reading module antenna is 1.5-1.8 meters)

      3. Each card reading module and induction antenna has its own ID number, which can effectively identify and match the corresponding product type, and is used by the host computer or software to control the work of the card reading module.

      4. The working frequency of the card reading module is 13.56MHZ, using the ISO14443A protocol. The card reading mode is read-only, which means reading the UID number of the RFID electronic tag. The data format output is tentatively in the 8H10D format.

      5. Adopt its own design solution to effectively prevent labels from being misread or cross-read.

      6. The main control card reading module adopts RS232 or CAN port communication mode.

      7. Provide communication protocols and support secondary development

18-channel automated RFID identification module Vending machine embedded electronic tag reading module

18-channel automated RFID identification module Vending machine embedded electronic tag reading module 2

18-channel automated RFID identification module Vending machine embedded electronic tag reading module 3


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