Financial Payment

1. Application overview

The integrated management platform system of treasury logistics management based on RFID technology has realized the information flow management and electronic transfer of logistics for the distribution of resources in and out of the bank, the real-time inventory and supervision of warehouse materials, and the centralized management of cash boxes. Cleaning machine maintenance and circulation operation control and bank door-to-door collection business control, and the introduction of electronic tags to achieve accurate tracking and management of the delivery link, with the help of technical means and software platforms, further improve the automation and intelligence of business processing, and uniformly distribute related business resources. Reduce the difficulty of business management, improve the efficiency of business operations, and effectively control various human errors and risks, realize intensive management, and meet the bank's management and control requirements for treasury logistics.

At the same time, it mainly realizes:

1. Strengthen the collection and analysis of cashier information flow, and establish a centralized data collection and analysis mechanism;

2. Standardize the various process positions of business operations, reduce manual intervention, and effectively control various human errors and risks;

3. Establish electronic handover through RFID technology, realize the electronic and batch reading of the handover process, and improve the efficiency of logistics distribution;

4. All departments of the whole bank can effectively manage the storage, delivery, handover, statistics, query, tracking, etc. of physical objects in a centralized manner;

5. Establish a management model for inventory, strengthen inventory control and account verification;

6. Separation of front-end operations and back-end business planning, scheduling, back-end accounting processing, and liquidation to realize the separation of operation and management functions;

7. Effectively control the identity authentication of personnel in the industry, customer personnel, and third-party service personnel, and control the business risks caused by out-of-control personnel identity authentication;

8. According to the matching of physical flow and business execution, control the error of physical handover, physical flow, information flow, and account flow, and link the three through the system for automatic control and processing, so as to avoid the inconsistency between the transfer demand and the real thing in the actual business operation process , The physical inventory does not match the relevant accounts.

2. Application of RFID technology in treasury management

Through the entire process of RFID technology platform, the inbound and outbound, handover and distribution of treasury-related resources are controlled, including task initiation, task approval, task execution, task tracking, task completion, and other functions such as storage and inventory; improve operation speed, efficiency, accuracy, etc. Efficiency and information integration, improve the accuracy of treasury management and the convenience of operation, and reduce data errors and delays.

The treasury resources are loaded with RFID electronic tags, so that they have a unique identity mark, and provide technical support for the fine management of the treasury, so that the resources can be checked, recorded, counted and traced in real time. Reduce the dependence on people in daily work and reduce human errors; automatic reading of material entry and exit reduces errors in warehousing and warehousing; at the same time, it also facilitates real-time reconciliation between the treasury and finance.

1. Inbound and outbound management

The inbound and outbound resources can be read in batches through the channel card reader, and the system will automatically record the inbound and outbound log information (on-duty Storekeeper, handover person, handover time, specific task details, and resource details). Generate inbound and outbound reports, and automatically compare them with the original task schedule. For some abnormal situations in the process of entering and leaving the warehouse, such as resource loss or illegal resources entering and leaving the warehouse, the system can automatically warn and link the monitoring system to send an alarm signal.

2. Relocation management

Every time the position of the treasury resource changes in the treasury, its specific position can be tracked and confirmed through the RFID electronic tag, and the system will automatically update the position change data in the system.

3. Inventory management

Inventory management is to carry out routine and periodic inventory of treasury resources in accordance with treasury management rules and regulations, so as to grasp the status of treasury materials in a timely manner. During the inventory, the RFID electronic scanning gun is used to scan the resources that need to be counted, and the system automatically counts and records the current location information of the resources, etc., and compares them with the system resources, and automatically generates a comparison report.

4. Inventory inquiry

For treasury resources, according to the treasury management rules and regulations, when conducting routine spot checks, the designated resources can be scanned through PDA and electronic scanning guns, the resource information can be read, and compared with the detailed information of the resource in the system.

5. Inventory warning

The treasury resource can set the resource warning value. During the inventory and inventory query, when the inventory quantity is less than or greater than the set warning value, the system will prompt the administrator that the number of resources has been lower than or higher than the set warning value, which is convenient for the warehouse. Even if the administrator adjusts the amount of treasury resource storage.

6. Personnel identity verification

No matter how far the treasury is in and out of the warehouse, it directly scans the RFID identity card of the handover personnel through the scanning device, and compares it with the personnel information recorded in the system, such as gender, name, age, photo, etc., so as to facilitate the rapid and accurate identification. verify.

System value:

1. Improve work efficiency

All resources in and out of the warehouse can be put in and out of the warehouse in batches, and the resource information can be directly read through the channel card reader to count the number of resources. In the inventory, directly scan the RFID tags of the resources through the handheld scanning device, and directly read the resource information and resource quantity that need to be counted. These have changed the traditional reliance on manual means to confirm and count resource information one by one, improving work efficiency.

2. Improve accuracy and reduce error rate

The inventory information of inbound and outbound resources and inventoried resources has changed the way of inventorying, confirming, and registering through traditional manual means, and directly confirms and counts by scanning RFID electronic tag information. The personnel on both sides of the handover also changed the way of confirming through traditional identity cards, and directly read, compared, and confirmed personnel information by scanning RFID identity cards. Improve the accuracy of resource entry and exit verification and personnel identity verification.

3. Improve safety and reduce risk

The treasury Logistics Management system is connected with the monitoring system, and real-time screen monitoring is carried out on the entry and exit of the warehouse and the handover site. At the same time, the resource information is confirmed when the resource is in and out of the warehouse and the identity of the handover personnel is confirmed during the handover of the resource. Connect alarm equipment for early warning and alarm, which improves the security of warehouse management.

3. Application of RFID technology in ATM cash box management

At present, the problems commonly faced by banks in cash box management include:

1. The handover and filling of forms in each link of the operation is manual, and the scattered data makes it difficult to transfer automatically

2. Cannot monitor task execution in time to realize background business supervision

3. The status of cash box resources cannot be monitored in time, such as cash box positioning (in storage, in transit, on machine, etc.)

4. It is difficult to control the handover process of receiving and handing over sensitive resources; manually identifying the number and model of cash boxes is prone to errors, takes a long time, and cannot control the collection and return of keys (such as key replacement, less handover, etc.)

5. The efficiency of collaboration between departments is low, such as the handover, recording and accounting check of a large number of cash boxes

6. It is impossible to collect and analyze the data of business operations (such as the amount of money added periodically, the amount of money used, the frequency of money added, business volume, business efficiency, and business errors)

With the increase in the amount of bank ATMs put in, after centralized management of equipment, it is urgent to realize the integration of "management, control, and operation" of "safety, high efficiency, energy saving, and environmental protection" for Library-self-service-borrowing-and-returning-machine-source-manufacturer-UHF-touch-screen-borrowing-and-returning-machine.html target='_blank'>self-service equipment cash boxes. A large number of resources are being transferred in daily operations, in order to improve work efficiency, safety and accuracy. It can centrally manage and monitor cash boxes, spare boxes and various cash boxes during operation flow.

Sichuan Jintou Finance introduces RFID electronic tag technology to identify each important resource. In the process of circulation, automatic scanning equipment is used to quickly and effectively read the identity of resources, which has achieved the purpose of fast and efficient work and monitoring.

The main functional modules of the system include: system information management module, plan management module, banknote distribution and tail box inventory module, inbound and outbound handover management module, cashbox delivery to warehouse, batch inbound and outbound identification of outbound warehouse, cashbox life cycle management module, remote Dynamic encryption lock module, task management module, non-technical maintenance module, error account and customer complaint handling, card swallowing processing module, business management report module, business supervision module, etc.

System value:

1. The perfect ATM clearing business management plan, seamlessly combined with the dynamic password lock from planning-banknote distribution-scheduling-resource collection-on-site operation-resource return-counting and reconciliation (error handling);

2. Strict resource handover verification, automatic, fast and accurate scanning and verification of the number and type of resources;

3. Real-time and comprehensive business execution tracking, each step of execution can be monitored in the background;

4. Complete tasks and various resource transfer history records can be traced back; real-time monitoring of the entire life cycle of cash boxes and ATM machines (including business transfer status).

5. Flexible permission system (except task module, which has strict fine-grained permission control)

6. Business statistics, cash box usage statistics, ATM reloading amount, reloading frequency, and cash consumption statistics, and provide an open business statistics interface, and freely expand statistical data according to user needs.

7. Independent account checking and sorting system, one machine and one checking, line account summary check, and daily account summary check; account processing is accurate and report data is comprehensive.

8. It can provide a complete operational data analysis function for the ATM centralized banknote adding business, such as the amount of banknotes added by ATM equipment within the cycle, the frequency of adding banknotes, and the amount of banknotes used.

9. Perfect data encryption mechanism, symmetric encryption of sensitive data during data transmission, and regular replacement of keys.

4. Application in door-to-door package collection business

In the door-to-door package collection business, there are two most important links. One is to verify the identity information of the handover personnel, and the other is to record the package letter information sold. The personal identity information is also read by scanning the RFID identity card information and compared with the original information of the system for confirmation. The customer first records the package information to be received through online banking, and writes the relevant information into the RFID electronic tag. After the packet is packaged, the RFID electronic tag representing the unique identity information of the package is loaded. The door-to-door package collector directly scans the electronic label on the package through the PDA, reads the information of the package, and compares it with the information of the background package collection task in real time to confirm the accuracy of the received package information.

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