Application of RFID technology in the pet market

In recent years, the demand in the pet market has been increasing, and many families have started to keep pets. At the same time, problems such as lost and lost pets have also increased. In order to better protect the safety of pets, more and more pet Stores have begun to use RFID technology to track the location of pets.

A real case is that a pet tracker manufacturer named "Whistle" in the United States uses RFID technology to provide efficient tracking services for pets. The company produces a pet tracker called "Whistle GO Explore" that uses GPS and RFID technology to accurately track a pet's location if it goes missing.

The tracker is a small device that easily attaches to your pet's collar and uses low power consumption technology to continuously track your pet's location and movements. When the pet is away from the home, the owner can easily track the pet's location using the mobile phone app. If a pet goes missing, the owner can also send an alert through the app to other users asking for help in tracking the pet.

RFID tags implanted in pets

The company said the use of RFID technology can enable more precise tracking of pet movements. GPS technology can fail when a pet gets lost and enters a building or other enclosed space. However, RFID technology can identify a pet's tag at a shorter distance, so that even if the pet is indoors, its location can be quickly located.

In addition to enabling pet tracking, RFID technology has many other applications in the pet market. For example, in the field of pets, RFID tags can be used to track pets' health status, record pets' weight, diet, vaccination and other information, which can help pet shops and veterinarians better manage pets' health.

In short, the application of RFID technology in the pet market can provide owners with safer and more efficient pet tracking services, and can also better manage the health and life of pets. It is believed that in the future, with the continuous development of RFID technology, the application in the pet market will be more colorful.



Contact: Adam

Phone: +86 18205991243

E-mail: sale1@rfid-life.com

Add: No.987,Innovation Park,Huli District,Xiamen,China

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